CSU Policy: Admissions Pre-Denial Review

Policy Title: Admissions Pre-Denial Review Category: Admissions and Enrollment
Owner: Vice President for Enrollment and Access Policy ID#: 10-1060-001
Vice President for Enrollment and Access
Web: https://vpea.colostate.edu/
Email: vpea@colostate.edu
Phone: (970) 491-2682
Original Effective Date: 2/1/2011
Last Revision: 8/4/2024
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This policy establishes the process for reviewing the applications of potential students with extraordinary talent in music, theater, dance, or intercollegiate athletics, whom the Office of Admissions has indicated its intent to deny university admission upon review of the application. This policy will help ensure that appeals are handled in a consistent manner, with the final decision made by the Office of Admissions.


This policy applies to the department of Intercollegiate Athletics, and the School of Music, Theater and Dance (SMTD) at Colorado State University. It affects only those applicants for admission who are recruited by either of those departments to apply to the University and whom the Admissions Office intends to deny admission after its usual holistic review.


This policy applies to applicants for undergraduate admission only. It does not apply to applicants who have been denied admission, or to students who are denied readmission, after disciplinary or academic expulsion.


Academic Success Committee: a committee comprised of “(1) a representative from the Office of the President: the Faculty Athletics Representative in the case of Athletics and the Chief of Staff or their designee in the case of SMTD(2) a representative from Student-Athlete Support Services or a representative from (SMTD), as appropriate, and (3) the Director of Admissions, or their designee. The Academic Success Committee may enlist other university personnel and resources as needed in preparing an Academic Success Plan.  

Academic Success Plan: a plan created for the sponsored applicant by the Academic Success Committee, which may include tutoring, special services, prescribed study hours specific coach or faculty commitments to support the sponsored student, etc. and which the Academic Success Committee members collectively believes will permit the applicant to academically succeed at CSU if implemented.  

Assessment of Concerns: a summary from the Office of Admissions that describes in detail the concerns about the sponsored student’s ability to succeed academically at CSU. 

Sponsoring Official: The Director of Athletics or designee, or the Director of the (SMTD) or designee. 

Special Admissions Review Process: The process by which a Sponsoring Official seeks the review of a potential student’s application based upon the applicant’s extraordinary talent in intercollegiate athletics or music, theater, or dance performance and likelihood of succeeding as a student at CSU. 

Special Admissions Request: The request by a Sponsoring Official to the Academic Success Committee that initiates the Special Admissions Review Process. After receiving the Assessment of Concerns from the Office of Admissions, the Sponsoring Official requests that the Academic Success Committee review the sponsored student’s application.


Colorado State University reviews applications for admission to the University on an individual, holistic basis. Evaluating factors such as extraordinary talent in athletics, music, theater, or dance may present unique challenges. Therefore, in the case of a potential student whose admission to the University may be denied by the Office of Admissions, but whose potential contribution to either the athletics, music, theater, or dance program is highly valued by the responsible department, an additional review may be warranted to evaluate talent and potential to be a successful student.


  1. Sponsoring Officials are responsible for informing the Office of Admissions of a Special Admissions Review Request for students that they wish to sponsor for admission.

  2. Within five business days after receipt of a sponsored student’s completed application, the Office of Admissions may either (i) admit the student or (ii) elect not to admit and generate an Assessment of Concerns that summarizes in detail the concerns Admissions has about the sponsored applicant’s ability to succeed academically at Colorado State University.

  3. After receipt of the Assessment of Concerns, the Sponsoring Official may withdraw support for the sponsored student’s application or proceed with the admissions process by asking the Academic Success Committee to review the sponsored student’s application. If the Sponsoring Official decides to seek a review of the sponsored student’s application by the Academic Success Committee, the Sponsoring Official will initiate the Special Admissions Review Process by notifying the Office of Admissions. Typically, within 5 business days of receiving the request for review by a Sponsoring Official, the Academic Success Committee will convene, review the sponsored student’s application materials, and either:

    a. Develop an Academic Success Plan for the sponsored student and forward it to the Office of Admissions; or  

    b. Determine that an Academic Success Plan is not feasible for the sponsored student and recommend denial of admission to the Office of Admissions.

  4. Within five business days of receiving the Academic Success Plan (if applicable), Assessment of Concern and the sponsored student’s application materials from the Academic Success Committee, the Office of Admissions will admit the  sponsored student unless new information not known to the Academic Success Committee becomes known in the intervening days. If new information becomes available, the Academic Success Plan shall be returned to the Academic Success Committee for reconsideration in light of the new information.

  5. Additionally, admission pursuant to this policy for prospective student-athletes (“PSA”) is conditioned on said PSA satisfying NCAA initial eligibility requirements. Admission shall be denied, or revoked if previously approved, if said PSA does not satisfy the NCAA initial eligibility requirements.

  6. If the Academic Success Committee does not provide an Academic Success Plan to the Office of Admissions or recommends denial of admission, the Office of Admissions shall determine and communicate the applicant’s admission status. Such applicant may appeal any denial of admission through the normal reconsideration process available to all applicants. 

  7. The Office of Admissions, the President’s Office, the Athletic Director or designee and the Director of the SMTD or designee shall evaluate the academic success of sponsored students admitted under this policy at least every three years and make recommendations if necessary to improve academic success rates of sponsored students.


Colorado Commission on Higher Education, Section I-Academic Policies, Part F, §5.06 

Colorado State University Office of AdmissionsApply Online   


Approved by Anthony A. Frank, President, February 1, 2011

Revision approved by Amy L. Parsons, Vice President for University Operations, June 22, 2015

Revision approved by Lynn Johnson, Vice President for University Operations, November 30, 2020

Revision approved by Brendan Hanlon, Vice President for University Operations, on January 11, 2023 

Revision approved by Brendan Hanlon Vice President for University Operations, on August 4, 2024


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