How does the Party Registration program work?

The purpose of the Party Registration program is to provide party hosts with an opportunity to receive a warning, providing a 20-minute window to voluntarily terminate a party after a noise complaint has been received.  The information that you provide while registering your party will be sent to Fort Collins Police Services Dispatch prior to the party.  If an unreasonable noise complaint is called in regarding your party, dispatch will call both you and your alternate notifying you of this and giving you a 20-minute warning to shut down your party.  Please note that the 20-minute warning is only implemented for unreasonable noise, not nuisance complaints.  Furthermore, if another complaint is called into dispatch after the 20-minute window, a police officer will be sent out to your address.

Click here for more information.

Does it cost money to register my party?

No!  In fact, Party Registration is completely free.

Can alum or community members register parties?

Yes!  Alum, former students and community members can register their parties, too, so long as they live within Fort Collins city limits.

Do I have to be 21 to register my party?

No!  Anyone who lives off-campus within the Fort Collins community and is 18+ can register their party.

WHERE can I register my party?

If this is your first time registering a party, you will need to register with us in person at one of two locations.  You can visit us in room 281 in Lory Student Center.

Each academic year, you must register your first party in person. After that, you may use this webpage to register online at your convenience. If you've received a warning or citation you must register in person.

WHEN can I register my party?

Parties can be registered year-round, regardless of the day of the week they fall on.  However, they MUST be registered by the Thursday before the date of the party. To register a party with Off-Campus Life please stop by our office during business hours, Monday through Friday between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.

Do police officers get the list of registered parties?  I've heard they specifically go to these addresses to shut them down.

No!  The list of registered parties goes to Fort Collins Police Services dispatch so if your neighbor calls you in on a noise related complaint, dispatch will call you and your alternate with a warning. Police officers on duty do not have the list of registered parties.

Do registered parties get shut down at a certain time?

No!  As long as the party isn't too loud or disruptive to cause you to get a warning call from dispatch or an in-person visit for police, your party can continue. An in-person visit from police can result from anything that officers would notice while out on patrol such as disruptive noise, guests hanging out outside, trash, etc.

Are the Party Smart Tips rules that are forced upon registrants?

The Party Smart Tips are suggestions for hosts to use to reduce their risk of receiving a noise or nuisance complaint. Party registrants are not required to follow these tips but are strongly encouraged, especially regarding COVID-19 recommendations.